Larissa Stünkel was quoted in GZERO on Kiribati’s decision to exit the PIF

July 15, 2022: Larissa Stünkel, a Research Fellow at ISDP, was quoted in GZERO on Kiribati’s decision to exit the PIF and how this decision could affect other Micronesian nations.
For the moment, Kiribati’s refusal to accept that assurance — the reason it has cited for its pullout from the group — is unlikely to trigger an exodus of other nations, said Larissa Stünkel. Other Micronesian nations appear satisfied with the agreement they arrived at in June, she said — though the Marshall Islands’ status is unclear, with its government keen to stay in the PIF but its parliament insisting on a walkout. “I doubt that we will see more surprise departures from the PIF.”
The cracks in the PIF also threaten to undermine the region’s fight against climate change. The island nations face threats from illegal fishing by Chinese trawlers. But the West isn’t completely blameless either, said Larissa Stünkel, referring to former Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s support for coal.